After a quick bite at the local Starbucks (the food at the Starbucks is 100 times better than the food at my local Starbucks).. we were off for the famous changing of the guard in front of Buckingham Palace.

It was all good, until the military band started playing Somewhere over the Rainbow, the Theme to Austin Powers, and the Theme to Rocky. At that point I pretty much tuned out.
In the afternoon, if you are in England, you have to go for afternoon tea. And that was exactly what we did, at a place called The Wolsley. It was very upscale, and after we snapped thes pictures we got yelled at for taking pictures as it is against their policy.

Those were the best scones I have ever had in my entire life. Holy Mama! And I seriously wish I could import the clotted cream. I know this is gross, but if I could have taken a vat of it home, I would have.
To top off the evening, we took in a show. The Woman in Black at the Fortune Theater. It was a ghost story. And holy crap did it scare me. Very highly recommended, it was so good that it does not surprise me it has been running for 21 years!

I am so jealous! Great Starbucks mug!