Friday, February 12, 2010

January Date Night

#4 Have an official date night with The Hubs at least 1x per month

So our first attempt at date night failed miserably. After a banter of "what do you want to do?" "I dunno, what do you want to do?", I convinced the Hubs that we needed to go to Kohls to spend of gift certificates and get him some new dress shoes. Yeah, let's just say that wasn't totally a romantic date night, and somehow the poor Hubs was relegated to watching me shop for work clothes. He lovingly acted happy, but seriously what man wants to shop for fun? Not my hubby.

Date night take 2 - We went to see the movie "Up In The Air"

We were originally intrigued by the idea that American played a large part in the movie, and the Hubs being Executive Platinum, wanted to see how they were portayed. I love George Clooney, so how could I say no? And was surprised to see that my hotel brand of choice was also prominently featured.

It turned out that as depressing as the story line was and as much as I wanted to kill the Alex character, the message about the importance of the relationships in your life really hit home. But I can't for the life of me see why the movie is nominated for so many Oscars.

After the movie we went to dinner. Where? Couldn't tell you. We eat out at least once a week, and I really just have no idea. Sad I know.

But all in all date night was a success, and here's to seeing what we come up with for February...

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