The first night was Formal Night. Formal nights are my favorite nights to people watch, I love to see people's definition of "Formal Attire". There are men in tuxedos, women in cocktail dresses, the women who clearly were just in a wedding party, men in suits, men in tan linen suits, women in sun dresses, some people in jeans with a shirt and tie. Good Times, I tell ya!
Here is a pic of the hubs and I on Formal Night:
When we got back to our suite (did I mention we treated ourselves to a suite with a balcony?), we had our first towel animal as left by the stateroom attendant... can you guess what it was?
If you said Dog you would be right! Isn't he cute in my sunglasses?
We ended the night with the "Show". Tonight's featured entertainers were a singing group called "The Unexpected Boys" who are a Franki Valli cover group, and had a cute customized show for the ship. They were surprisingly good, and I had a really good time singing along. So much so that I had my picture taken with the group, and bought the autographed CD. Well, as we are walking back to the suite, I notice that the guys in the picture don't really look like the "Boys" I just met, I open the CD and notice the list of singers is different from what the "Boys" announced on stage. Well hell, I guess the group members changed.
I finally listened to the CD today. And well, it is definitely different guys, and the "Boys" I saw live were a gazillion times better. Bum dog.
I LOVE the picture of you and your hubs!