Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Nothing like a little pesto

My beautiful basil before...

And the after.... homemade pesto with the fresh basil, garlic, parmesan, romano, and olive oil I brought back from Italy last November...


My garden it's a growing....

As I mentioned in this post here, I have really learned to love container gardening. There is something amazing about having fresh herbs and vegetables at your finger tips.

This year we planted beefsteak tomatoes, plum tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet white hybrid peppers, basil, parsley and cilantro. In just a few short weeks, everything is growing.. and looking amazing.

I was very excited because over the weekend, a little pepper started to grow!

And my cucumbers developed flowers, which can only lead to some cukes...

my herbs are getting huge.. so this week we planned lots of dinners that center on them.

Pasta with Pesto Sauce
Gazpacho with Avocado Salsa
Scallops with Chimmichurri Sauce

I can't wait!

I think I forgot to mention...

Here he is at 23 weeks, waving for the camera, just like Mom...

It was so cool, you could see his little face and belly, and his arm just waving.

And here I am at 25 weeks....

The hubs felt him move last night for the first time. So amazing.

Have you ever seen a Toilet Paper Wedding Dress??

Who says toilet paper can't be fun at a bridal shower? We played "make your own TP wedding dress" at my cousin's shower. why my table decided the pregnant bride would be a good idea, I'll never know.

Aren't we quite the bunch of lookers?

Ham... and a camera?

Apparently, I have always liked having my picture taken. Found this lovely shot of me posing...

"And I wonder if I ever cross your mind....

For me it happens all the time."

can't get this song lyric out of my head.