Ah, that is much better, and espresso in Italy is the best espresso in the world.
Now on to the Colosseum:

Our guide happened to be an archeologist, so that was kind of cool. I didn't feel as overwhelmed by spirits as I did the last time I was in the Colosseum, but I am still in awe of the size and complexity.
After the Colosseum, it was on to Palantine Hill and the Roman Forum:

Our history walk was nice, and it finished up early which gave us time to explore.
We went in St. Agnes en Agonne Church, which had some really nice carvings/sculptures.

Then we took a run over to St. Susana Church to pick up our Papal audience tickets for Wednesday morning:

And while we were there, we ran across the street to Santa Maria della Vittoria Church. You know, the altar of fire from "Angels and Demons". I was dying to see the Bernini statue Ecstacy of St. Theresa in person. I am still not 100% sure I agree her expression shows ecstacy, but in her writing about the dream that inspired this statue, she did say the ecstacy was pain, so maybe that explains it.

Also in this church is the body of St. Victoria, un-decomposed. Kind of creepy and cool all at the same time.

Finally dinner at Monte Carlo, a pizza place, with some of the best super thin crust pizza I have ever had.

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