Monday, January 18, 2010

A Facelift and A New Title

Happy 2010 everyone. Yes, I know it is 18 days into 2010, but I am little slow these days. Welcome to my updated blog for 2010. This year, I am going to try a new angle. I am turning 32 this year, so I thought that I would blog about 32 things I want to do before I turn 32.

It isn't that I didn't like Project 365 it is just that by the end, it was really challenging to take a picture everyday. And I am sure that you have all seen enough photos of my feet.

So here is my list, as you will see I am still a few short, so I welcome your suggestions, just leave me a comment!

1. Learn to ballroom dance
2. Walk a 5k for a good cause
3. Clean out the closets in my house (4)
4. Have an official date night with The Hubs at least 1x a month
5. Take vocal lessons
6. Go to Eucharistic Adoration at least once a month
7. Reconnect with at least one old friend
8. Have my old photos (the really old ones) scanned
9. Try one new vegetable a month
10. Read more non-fiction (at least 4 books this year)
11. Continue to blog funny or interesting photos
12. Stop drinking Starbucks
13. Make more whoopie
14.Learn to use my Adobe Photoshop Software
15. Cancel ALL my magazine subscriptions
16. Live in the moment
17. Volunteer with RESOLVE
18. Organize and keep my desk clean
19. Get caught up on my scrapbooks
20. Use my home gym regularly (4x per week)
21. Visit my grandmother more
22. Try Bikram Yoga
23. Try one new recipe a month
24. Use our pool at least 2x per month during the summer
25. Visit at least 3 CT State parks
26.Lose 20 pounds
27. Recycle my old magazines
28. Plan an amazing 5th Anniversary for the Hubs

This year I will blog about trying to accomplish this list. I hope you enjoy it. At least I have 346 days till my birthday!


  1. I love the idea! Inspiring me to get my own list organized! I used to have a list of 100 things i want to do with my life, but I wrote it in one of my journals and can't find it!! That's why my resolution this year is to get more organized! Anyway, glad you will be volunteering with RESOLVE, but giving up Starbucks seems a bit drastic!! LOL!!
