After news of his death was announced, the amazing hubs told me he had purchased, as a surprise, tickets for us to see Michael Jackson in concert when we are in London next month. Talk about being a major bummer.
So I thought I would share a few memories of Michael Jackson's music, since I am a fan through and through.
I was young in the 80's but I vividly remember my Auntie G playing the Thriller album (yes album, vinyl) for my sister, brother and I. I remember Thriller being the first real album I ever owned. I remember my Aunt Andie talking about going to see the Thriller tour, and because she had sold the tour company something for the show she got to sit at the Sound Stage with Billy Joel, Bette Midler and Mick Jagger.
I have a memory of knowing all the words to Billie Jean and not figuring out what the topic of the song was till I was older.
Singing "Eddie are you ok? Eddie are you ok?" instead of "Annie are you ok? Annie are you ok?" any time I heard Smooth Criminal (I still tend to do this)
I grew up at a time when Weird Al made a parody of Bad called "FAT"
My Aunt wore one glove when she went to a concert.
My mom played Jackson 5 in our house while we were growing up, and we could sing all the parts!
One year our Junior Color Guard did their floor show to Black or White. And I thought I was so cool for knowing the words to the spoken part.
Buying the CD "Number Ones" and getting teased relentlessly for liking "Wacko Jacko" (love my fam!)
The band at my wedding played "Wanna Be Startin' Something" cause it was one of the hubs and my requested songs.
I associated the song "Remember the Time" with an ex-boyfriend who I was trying to convince to get back together with me. (And the video was pretty cool too!)
Falling in love with the song "I'll be There" because the New Kids on The Block covered that song on the Magic Summer Tour Concert that was aired on TV.
In 2001, loving Britney Spears dancing around Michael Jackson during PYT (which was not aired on TV since she was under contract for an HBO special of her concert tour).
And seriously, can you honestly say that "Man in the Mirror" is not a powerful song?
I'm sure there are many more examples then what I have posted here.
R.I.P Michael Jackson.